I finally decided to upload my prom pics! Kidding, my mom just gave me back my camera, she was hoarding it in her fancy car (seen below). Anyway, here are the much awaited pictures (Molly). Enjoy my curly blown out hair-do and make-up. I don't wear make-up. Except on occasions like this. I decided it would only be proper to look my best, especially because it wasn't my prom. Yay junior prom. I'm a senior. Not my prom. Woo.
Hope you enjoy my butterfly and floral ridden flowy ruffle dress! And my fancy shoes. You better appreciate those shoes. I was able to wear them all night, crazy right? Especially since last time I wore them for a night of dancing the night away, my feet wanted to murder me. Sorry, feet. But I was a trooper and kept them on all night. And if you know me and my hardcore dance moves, that sounds like it would hurt, a lot. Don't worry, I was fine, and my feet got over it.
...and just in case you wanted to see the same view of the dress, but this time with my legs crossed and me standing in front of my mom's car (mom's idea)...here it is!
Shoes: Frye, Clutch: Mom's Closet
Please excuse my recycling of this picture of my shoes from a previous post. But, my mom was having a hard time taking a good picture of my shoes on the day of, and we were in a tad bit of a rush so I felt bad asking her to retake it 12 times, I'm a great daughter.
