So today, I opted for my Free People cargos and Free People long ass sweater. Gym class hero? Yes, because I look like a superhero when I walk and my super hero garment flies with me. (In this case, my sweater doubles as a shield and cape)
Whenever I wear clothes, which do not fear is everyday, my dad asks me why I am so dressed up. The answer? I hate sweats and quite honestly cannot pull them off. And when I do wear them it is to sleep because no one will see me. Anyway, a cargo and sweater is not dressed up. So everyday I remind him, "Dennis, darling. This is a sweater. You may be granted the right to ask me that question when I wear a dress. Good day." And I do wear dresses to school, Dad.
I have a similar philosophy when it comes to UGG boots, or UGGly ass boots. This philosophy parallels that of sweats in public, or school. If you are one of those people who thinks wearing UGGs with jean shorts or a dress is ok, be ashamed of yourself. And then get some treatment, I'd love to be your therapist. You may pay me in Free People. Ditch the UGGs, gurls and guys, buy yourself some Docs, like mine (below).
I was ecstatic today when a fellow student of mine said "I hate when people wear sweatpants. You look dirty and lazy. I laugh and yell at you in my head." Thank you for understanding, kind sir.

Word to the Wise: Do not drink iced coffee when it is freezing outside. Who am I kidding? You can never go wrong with an iced coffee. Nevermind, peace readers.

Cargo close-up, kinda.

So patchwork chic.

Word to the Wise: Do not drink iced coffee when it is freezing outside. Who am I kidding? You can never go wrong with an iced coffee. Nevermind, peace readers.