These shorts were quite the steal. I didn't actually steal them, don't worry, I have a really guilty conscience. I saw these babies on the sale rack for $14.99 and snagged them. So what if they give me a wedgie? #lifeisgood.
I figured since these shorts are oh so cute like a button, I might as well center a few outfits around them. I decided to call this experiment: one love, one short. Creative, right? So here I stand, clad in my Kimchi Blue trouser shorts and various shirts, shoes, and most importantly,elephant socks.
Shirt: Silence and Noise, Shorts: Kimchi Blue, Shoes: Anne Klein

Anne Klein, you've done good, kid. Lovin' on my lil loafers.

I tweeted a picture of my yellow nails last night after painting them. I called it: Fingers full o' sunshine. Like pockets full o' sunshine, the song by Natasha Bedingfield. Technically now, my fingers and pockets are both full o' sunshine. Hooray.

Blouse: Kimchi Blue, Shorts: Kimchi Blue, Socks: Urban Outfitters, Shoes: Cooperative
aka "I wish I thought of wearing a table cloth over my bra" -The Banana Bin
Dance dance like it's the last last night of your life life. Usher, anyone? Nah? Ok. I tried. Nothing stops me from breaking it down in the middle of the street.

If you know me, you know I'm afraid animals--especially weener dogs and deer--so, I suppose my spankin' new socks come as a surprise to you. My socks have little baby elephants on them that frolic in the wind, kinda like me. I may not like real elephants, but I sure do like little fake ones of my socks. Oh, and in case during this shoot I got a call to fill in for my professional bowler dad at the lanes, I'd so be ready with these shoes. Just sayin'.

Before this picture was taken I asked my friend Alex how I should pose. We both simultaneously said: FROLIC FOR SURE. Agreed. And so here I am frolicking away, twirling around and flying away like the pretty bird I am.

Intense model face? Check. Hands in the air party like I just don't care? Check. See-through blouse? Check. A sneak peak at how I will look as an ombre? CHECK.

Shirt: Central Park West, Shorts: still Kimchi Blue, Shoes: Superga, Bow: American Apparel
Just lacing up my sneaks...chillen.

Helloooo awkward stance and Blue Steel facial expression. I call this look: Zoolander Chic.

Check out my red accents. I call this look "Maryland Chic." Kidding...but at least I'm ready for the land of mary with all this rojo. Spankin' new Superga sneaks in red=my life is complete.
